Product Details
Amount:P50.00Term in months:1 month
Age eligibility:18 – 60 years oldActivation Delay:2 days
Schedule of Benefits
RiderCoverage Amount
Accidental Death & Disablement P100,000
Unprovoked Murder & AssaultP50,000
Motorcycling CoverP100,000
Terms and Conditions

Insuring Conditions:

Age limit is from 18 to 60 years old

Named basis only

Applicant should be in good health and free from any impairment or deformity

Standard COCOGEN Microinsurance Policy Wordings

Sabotage and Terrorism Exclusion

Terms and Conditions :

  1. Accidental Death pays the Insured’s beneficiary the Sum Insured for death occurring within one year from the date of accident.
  2. Permanent Total Disablement pays the Insured the Sum Insured covered:
    1. For the loss of two or more limbs or both eyes.
    2. For permanent total disablement from gainful employment of any kind other than dismemberment, provided such disability has continued for a period of 52 weeks and it is total, continuous or permanent at the end of this period.
  3. Permanent Partial Disablement pays the insured a percentage of the principal sum insured covered for permanent loss of use of body parts, according to the following schedule:
    1. Permanent and incurable paralysis of all limbs (100%)
    2. Loss of two or more limbs or both eyes (100%)
    3. Loss of one limb or one eye (75%)
    4. Loss of hearing – both ears Loss of hearing – one ear (50%)
    5. Loss of Speech (50%)
    6. Others (25%)
  4. Motorcycling – we will pay you or your beneficiary up to the Benefit Limit stated in the Schedule in case of your death or bodily injury resulting from Motorcycling. Provided always that this insurance shall not be liable to pay you or your beneficiary whilst you are engaged in racing, pace-making, speed tests or organized reliability trials. It is understood and agreed that this insurance will not pay you or your beneficiary for your death or bodily injury if the said motorcycling incident occurred whilst:
    1. The driver of the motorcycle is not a holder of a valid and current driver’s license
    2. You are not wearing a crash helmet
    3. The authorized seating capacity is exceeded

Exceptions :

Accidental Death/ Disablement benefit will not be payable for Bodily Injury or Death:

  1. Arising directly or indirectly as a result of a Pre-Existing Condition (physical or mental defect or infirmity) which had not been declared to and accepted in writing.
  2. Arising from:
    1. HIV Infection and/or any AIDS related illness; or
    2. Suicide, attempted suicide or intentionally self-inflicted injury, whether the Insured is sane or insane; or
    3. Consumption of drugs (except under the proper direction of a Medical Practitioner), narcotic substances, poison or alcohol.
  3. Any bodily or mental infirmity, disease or sickness, or infection other than infection occurring because of an accidental cut or wound.
  4. Death or injury arising from major disease outbreak (SARS, EBOLA, FLU and other dreaded diseases).
  5. Death or injury resulting from the Insured Person’s performance of his/her field duties as a member of the Armed Forces or Police, including escort and security services rendered in whatever capacity or form.
  6. Death or injury arising from war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities, or warlike operations (whether declared or not), civil war, mutiny, riot, martial law, conspiracy, rebellion, revolutions, insurrection, or military or usurped power, civil commotion assuming the proportion of or amounting to a popular uprising.
  7. Death or injury arising from any nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination and chemical or biological contamination.
  8. Claims arising from accident occurring while the Insured individual is operating or learning to operate or serving as a crew member of an aircraft or seacraft.
  9. Claims arising from any violation or attempted violation of the law or resistance to a lawful arrest.
  10. Claims arising from cosmetic or plastic surgery, any dental work, treatment or surgery, eye or ear examination, except to the extent that any of them is necessary for the treatment or alleviation of injury caused by an accident not herein excluded.
  11. Death or Bodily Injury due to accident occurring while the Insured is performing his or her duties as an acrobat, asylum attendant, aviator, or boilerman.
  12. Death or Bodily Injury to diver while performing underwater activities, or to fireman while performing firefighting activities.
  13. Death or Bodily Injury sustained while engaging in (or practicing for or taking part in training peculiar to) any of the Excluded Activities;
    • Aqualung Diving
    • Motor Competitions
    • Parachuting
    • Hurling
    • Soccer
    • Use of woodworking machinery
    • Snow Jumping
    • Climbing and/or Mountaineering
    • Baseball
    • Professional Football
    • Ice Hockey
    • Motorcycling in any form
    • Polo
    • Skydiving
    • Water ski-jumping and tricks
    • Boxing
    • Flying except air travel
    • Professional Basketball
    • Wrestling
    • Underwater activities involving the use of compressed air or gas
    • Hang-gliding
    • Hunting
    • Power-Boating
    • Racing
    • Winter Sports
    • Yachting
  14. If the Insured is below the age of 18 at the time of the accident, or exceeds the age of 65 on inception date of the policy;
  15. Consequent upon committing or attempting to commit suicide or criminal act or wilfully exposing to needless peril except in an attempt to save human life;
  16. During travel in aircraft other than one licensed for public passenger service and operated by regular airline on a published scheduled flight over a regular air route between 2 definitely established airports and in which Insured is travelling as a fare-paying passenger.
  17. Bodily Injury or Death Disablement or Accidental Medical Expenses consequent upon or contributed to by:
    1. having taken a drug unless it can be proven that the drug was taken in accordance with proper medical prescription and directions and not for treatment of drug addiction; or
    2. while under the influence of alcohol unless it is established that alcohol was not a factor contributing to the happening of the injury; or
    3. having ingested/inhaled any poison, chemical compound, gas or fumes voluntarily taken, administered, absorbed or inhaled.
  18. Death, Disablement or Accidental Medical Expenses consequent upon or contributed to by being pregnant or suffering from sickness or disease not resulting from Bodily Injury or suffering from Bodily Injury due to a gradually operating cause.
  19. Murder and/or Assault, unless specifically included in the Schedule.
  20. Riding or driving in any kind of race.
  21. The actual or threatened malicious use of pathogenic or poisonous biological or chemical materials.
  22. Neurosis, psychoneurosis, psychopathies or psychosis, anxiety, stress, fatigue or mental or emotional diseases or disorders of any type.
  23. Arising directly or indirectly as a result of Radiocative contamination, chemical, biological, bichemical and electromagnetic weapons.
  24. Infectious disease.

Notice of Claim

A claim should be reported within thirty (30) days from the time of occurrence.

The original of the claims documentary requirements must be submitted for the immediate evaluation of claim.


Please be informed that there shall be no recovery hereunder if the murder or assault occurs in any of the following provinces or places:

Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, North Cotabato, South Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Sulu Archipelago, Basilan, Tawi Tawi, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga del Sur.

Filing of Claim

For claims under this program, you may file your claims online at the following link.

Contact Us

For concerns or questions, contact CashKO’s Customer Service Hotline at:

Monday to Saturday, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. *with exception for Holidays

Manila (028) 876-1428
Cebu (032) 342-7826
Toll free (Smart/Sun Mobile; PLDT Landline) 1800 1320 0211

This product is underwritten by COCOGEN Insurance, Inc., a licensed non-life insurance company with the Insurance Commission of the Philippines.

This product is distributed by CashKO Insurance Brokerage Corp., a licensed insurance broker with the Insurance Commission of the Philippines.

Filing Complaint

To file a complaint about the product, you may follow the template below and send to

• Date
• Type of complaint
• Full complaint
• Contact details

For Insurance complaint, you may visit the Insurance Commission website at